The Leadership Advance
An Event For Young Men
We challenge young men to be Christian Leaders but often leave them wondering exactly how to do so. This conference provides practical strategies to help equip young men for their important call to Christian leadership and because every man will be called to lead in some capacity this conference is for every junior high and high school guy 6th to 12th grade.
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Father/Son Team Day
An Event For Dads and SonsIt's hard to find the time we know we should be spending with our sons. Let us help you by providing everything you need for an unforgettable day.
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Tell Me About CSB on the West Coast:

Men have the God given honor and responsibility of training the next generation of men to lead and love in their families, churches and society. But knowing that this needs to be done, and knowing HOW to get it done are often two different things. In fact, a big part of the reason that our culture recoils at the very mention of men having a special task to lead, is because we have often abused this special calling and women and children have often born the bruises of our neglect, abdication and abuse. The answer to this problem is a gospel centered life driven forward by the tool of biblically grounded discipleship.
Christian Service Brigade is a 75 year old organization that has been dedicated to helping men accomplish this vital task through: Training, equipping and encouraging men for ministry Empowering men to use their own gifts, talents and experience to teach the truth of God's Word. Encouraging young men and boys to grow in Christ-likeness through relationships with godly men, applying Scripture to daily life, serving Christ together, and memorizing God's Word. Providing materials that give men a practical, fun and dynamic way to disciple young men and boys for Christ. Fostering the skill of fathering through mutual father/son experiences. Our family is excited to be serving with an organization so uniquely positioned to answer this timely and vital need.
This website is designed as a hub for the ministry and events of CSB out here on the West Coast. This is where we connect you to events and keep you informed of important things happening in Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Northern Nevada.
If you are interested in seeing how we might be able to help you or someone you know develop a strategy for discipleship feel free to email or call me. [email protected]
Cell: (510) 209-3678
Christian Service Brigade is a 75 year old organization that has been dedicated to helping men accomplish this vital task through: Training, equipping and encouraging men for ministry Empowering men to use their own gifts, talents and experience to teach the truth of God's Word. Encouraging young men and boys to grow in Christ-likeness through relationships with godly men, applying Scripture to daily life, serving Christ together, and memorizing God's Word. Providing materials that give men a practical, fun and dynamic way to disciple young men and boys for Christ. Fostering the skill of fathering through mutual father/son experiences. Our family is excited to be serving with an organization so uniquely positioned to answer this timely and vital need.
This website is designed as a hub for the ministry and events of CSB out here on the West Coast. This is where we connect you to events and keep you informed of important things happening in Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Northern Nevada.
If you are interested in seeing how we might be able to help you or someone you know develop a strategy for discipleship feel free to email or call me. [email protected]
Cell: (510) 209-3678